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Hand Massage
Shoulder Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

1hr $155 I 1.5hr $250 I 2hr $350

A massage technique that's mainly used to treat strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue.

Benefits: Unlike other massage techniques that focus on relaxation, deep tissue massage helps treat muscle pain and improve stiffness. But it can still help you to unwind mentally.

Hilot Massage

1hr $155 I 1.5hr $250 I 2hr $350

This kind of massage is used in traditional medicine in many parts of the Philippines. This form of healing therapy relies on principles of the body’s natural energy to treat imbalances in our bodies/minds, and it relieves many ailments.


“Hilot” is also a Filipino word used for “healer.” A pilot therapist is trained in massage and body/mind connections. This kind of therapy is beneficial for body relaxation, pregnancy-term massage therapy, skeletal manipulation, for relieving muscle pains, and for treating many other medical conditions.

Cupping Treatment

Cupping Therapy

1hr $175 I 1.5hr $350

Cupping finds its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. This treatment brings blood to the surface of the skin and improves the energy flow throughout the body.​ Although cupping is not painful, the recipient commonly walks away with a circular bruise on the areas where cups were applied. Cupping is considered relatively safe, especially when performed by a trained health professional.

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